We provide Full NIS Representative Services in Any Member States to Ensure Full Compliance

What is the role of the NIS Representative?

The representative’s duties include:

· Provide enforcement agencies with a single point of contact.
· Communicate with the appropriate groups, networks, and authorities in other Member States to ensure cross-border collaboration.
· As a requirement, submit reports to relevant authorities and entities.

Who does the legislation
apply to?

Two categories of organizations are covered by NIS:
RDSPs, or relevant digital service providers. A company is regarded as an RDSP if:
· It delivers a digital service online, such as cloud computing, an online marketplace, or a search engine.
· It employs 50 or more people, or its annual balance sheet or revenue totals more than €10 million; and
· Its primary institution (such as its head office) is located in the EU or the UK, or it has designated a representative to do so,
· Provides services in the UK or the EU.

What happens if you do notappoint
a representative?

The maximum penalties for failing to comply with the NISD differ between EU member states (for example, EUR 50,000 in Germany, EUR 500,000 in Ireland, EUR 1,000,000 in Spain, EUR 17,000,000 in the UK).

What distinguishes a GDPR Representative from a NIS Representative?

The GDPR deals with personal data, but the NIS is more concerned with system security. The two regulations cover different issues. You can learn more about the EU Representative or the UK Representative here if you need GDPR services.

Why you should choose a NIS Representative from the DPOsphere

DPOsphere maintains a large team of experienced data protection and information security specialists with the skills, knowledge, and resources required to undertake your representation requirements in the UK and the EU. Having worked with over a lot of organisations across a wide-range of sectors globally, we have developed shared best practices that will help to maintain your organisation’s compliance with NIS and data protection and information security regulations. With a presence in EU Member States, as well as the UK, DPOsphere can provide full NIS Representative Services in any Member States to ensure full compliance.